August 23, 2012

New beginnings at Summer's end...

I prefer to begin new things at purposeful times of the year.  Traditionally, according to our social norms here, its 'Back to School' time all over.  From preschool to college age, all over the world (it seems) or at least in the Westhern Hemi of the earth, the focus has turned back to education.  For some, this marks the beginning a new journey, another starting line.  These folks might view it as thrilling; the thought of expanding the knowledge of their minds for another nine months.  It might be the friends and social events that we're looking forward to.  Others, however,  will not approach their oncoming endeavors with such vigor.  It is all about perspective.

My point is, that even if you aren't going back to school, per se.  It is a perfect time recommit to your yoga practice, to your health, and/or your lifestyle in general.  As much as we don't want to think about it, the end of the year is just a few months ahead.  Remember those New Year's resolutions?  How is that going?  Ya.  I know, me too.  So, let's catch up with our earlier annual aspirations.  Let's try once again to let that more goal oriented self take over!  Jump up and greet the new horizon!  Say, "Sat Nam & Wahe Guru I cannot wait to see what else I can do for myself and my life this year!"  2012 indeed has had it's own built in excitement -  well with the end of the Mayan calendar coming.  The special lunar eclipse, the solar flares, and other extraordinary energies that can be calculated as change for this time.  All of these things are leading to something better.  For me, it signals a time to recommit to my practice.  Remember the goals and those lofty dreams.  They can be achieved, they just need to be pulled back from the dusty corners of our minds.

So, grab your mats.  Lace up your running shoes.  Reach for the jumprope.  Open the book.  Do that research.  Look for opportunities.  Be open.  Live your life on your path.  It is never too late or too early to start working towards your ultimate goals.

If you aren't sure where to start I could suggest some yoga and meditation.  Tuesday evenings at 8PM at the R&R Gallery in downtown Los Angeles.

What is on your horizon?  Be ready for it....

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